Profit Report
Sellers searching for granular details may refer to the Reports section where they may find the Daily Profit, Profit & Loss (PL), and Product Performance reports.
Daily Profit
Within the Daily Profit sub-menu, sales, orders, and related expenses can be clearly visualized and filtered.
Profit & Loss (PL)
If sellers are looking to dig deeper into the expenses or compare Profit & Loss's performance from one period to another, then the Profit & Loss report would be ideal for this task.
To help you understand the terms used in the updated features, a comprehensive Glossary is available in the link attached. The terminology can be applied to the Profit dashboard and Profit Report.
The Product Performance
The Product Performance section provides a line by line detail of each product and their relevant sales and cost numbers.
Connecting Amazon Advertising API
For new or existing users who wish to view the Profit Dashboard in its entirety, they must authorize BQool to download these reports. This can be performed in BQool Account > Marketplaces.
For detailed steps, please refer to this article.
Timeframe & Display
Users can filter based on the timeframe of their choosing.
There are multiple different columns of sales performance metrics in the Display Section.
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