Search competitors’ products to spy on their keywords and divert their traffic from high-converting keywords.
Users can also target highly requested and hot selling products to learn more about the keywords of those products.
How to start?
Enter the desired ASIN, then the system will display all the keywords related to that ASIN.
Column Introduction
Keywords: The system displays all highly relevant search terms and their associated keywords and synonyms on Amazon.
Category: The most popular category(ies) for the given keyword.
30-Day Volume: How many times the keyword was searched as an exact phrase in the last 30 days.
30-Day Trend: 30-Day Volume percentage change over the last 30 days.
Average Sales: Average monthly units sold for all ASINs listed on the first page.
Average Sales Trend: Average monthly sales percentage change over the last 30 days.
Most Clicked: The percentage of the top 3 ASINs clicked among all products clicked for the keyword search.
Competing Products: The number of unique ASINs found for the keyword search.
Sponsored ASINs: The number of unique ASINs that have been detected as sponsored products for the keyword search.
Organic Rank: The position where the ASINs was detected in the search results for the given keyword.
Sponsored Rank: The position where the ASIN was detected as a sponsored product in the search results for the given keyword.
Give away: The total units sold over one week required for an ASIN to be ranked on the first page.
This metric works as a sales volume reference for Amazon’s product launch giveaway promotion which is meant to get your listing to the first page. This metric doesn't take sponsored products into the equation.
Download Support
The reverse ASIN feature also supports Filter and Download Report functionality, the same as the Keyword Generator.
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