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Conditional Repricing of FBM Advanced Conditions

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

Automatically switch repricing strategies based on FBM related conditions.

Step 1: Add a new rule

Hover your mouse over Repricing Rules > Add New Rule > Conditional Repricing > FBM Advanced Conditions.


Step 2: Set up conditions

Following are 10 conditions which can be set as main conditions or sub-conditions.

  • Units sold: The number of units sold in the last xx days.
  • Units sold %: The percentage change of units sold in the last xx days.
  • Sales: The amount of sales in the last xx days.
  • Sales %: The percentage change of sales in the last xx days.
  • Available quantity: The number of sellable units that you have in stock to fulfill orders. Available units don't include units that are pending removal.
  • Buy box wins: The listing's buy box winning percentage in the last 24 hours.
  • Listing at min price: The listing that remained at min price for the last xx days.
  • Listing at max price: The listing that remained at max price for the last xx days.
  • Listing at lowest price: The listing that remained at lowest price for the last xx days.
  • Listing did not win buy box: The listing that haven't won buy box for the last xx days.

☛ Note:

  1. A maximum of 2 sub-conditions can be added to each main condition.

  2. Repricing will only be triggered when both the main condition and the sub-conditions have been met. 

  3. If a scenario only matches either the main condition or the sub-condition, BQool will automatically check the next tier of conditions until it finds both the main and sub-condition are matching with the scenario. 

  4. The applied order of Conditional Repricing begins from the top to the bottom.mceclip1.png

Step 3: Set up repricing strategies

After setting up the conditions, you can set different repricing strategies.

  • RuleThe specified rules will be applied for repricing.
  • Rule + Min Price: Set a new Min Price based on Lowest Price / ROI / Est. Profit or Est. Profit Margin, the new Min Price and the specified rules will be applied to adjust your price whenever the condition has been triggered. .
  • Your Price:
    • Do Not Reprice - No repricing
    • Buy Box Price- Set Your New Price based on Buy Box Price +/- value
    • Your Price - Set Your New Price based on Current Your Price +/- value
    • Lowest Price - Set Your New Price based on the Lowest Price +/- value
    • Min Price - Set Your New Price based on Min Price +/- value
    • Max Price - Set Your New Price based on Max Price +/- value
    • Fixed Price – Fixed a specified price for Your Price 

☛ Note: To reset Min Price based on ROI / Est. Profit / Est. Profit Margin, the cost has to be added to the  listings.


Step 4: Review the rule

After finishing setting up the conditions and repricing rule settings, go to “Rule Overview”, and click “Save and Finish”.


Step 5: Assign listings to rule 

Assign your newly-added conditional rules to the listings you would like to start repricing.


Examples (reference only)

The price of the listing has been adjusted to Min Price as the main condition, but it doesn't get the Buy Box as the sub-conditions.

If your listing price has been stuck at Min Price for the past 2 days without obtaining the Buy Box, it's suggested to use AI Sales Booster and modify the Min Price at the same time. 

Take the image below for example, if the previous Est. Profit of Min was $15, reducing the Est. Profit to $10 can result in an decrease in the Min Price from $56.46 to $50.58. This strategic adjustment involves a reduction in profits but increases the opportunity to get the Buy Box. 


You have the option to further reduce the Min Price and adopt a more aggressive rule, such as "AI Sales Maximizer", to potentially boost your sales volume.

Take the image below for example, if the previous Est. Profit of Min was $10, reducing the Est. Profit to $5 can result in an decrease in the Min Price from $50.58 to $44.69. This strategic adjustment aims to increase Buy Box Win % by reducing Min Price and profit.


Another strategy is to set AI Equalizer, adjusting the Est.Profit from 5% to 8% whenever the Buy Box Win % is above 50% in the past 24 hours. This approach allows for an increase in both the Min Price and profit. 


Looking for more case studies? Tutorial Video- Real-life Scenarios of Conditional Repricing for more information!

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