Daily Sales Report
You can view daily sales in a specific marketplace and under designated repricing rule(s) over a specified period.
⦁ Sales: Total sales from listings with repricing enabled.
⦁ Orders: Total orders from listings with repricing enabled.
⦁ Units Ordered: Total numbers of listings which have been ordered.
⦁ Avg Sales / Listing: Total sales from listings / Total number of listings with repricing enabled.
⦁ Avg Order / Listing: Total orders from listings / Total number of products with repricing enabled.
⦁ Buy Box Wins: The ratio that the customer wins the Buy Box.
⦁ Below Min %: The percentage of competitors with prices below min.
⦁ At Min %: The percentage of the price is at min.
⦁ At Max %: The percentage of the price is at max.
Listing Performance Report
⦁ Products: The listings that the customer sold on Amazon.
⦁ Rules: The rules that the customer set up for repricing.
⦁ Sales: Total sales from listings with repricing enabled.
⦁ Orders: Total orders from listings with repricing enabled.
⦁ Units Ordered: Total numbers of listings which have been ordered.
⦁ Avg Sales / Order: Total sales from listings / Total orders from the listing.
⦁ Est. Profit: Estimated product profit for all products sold.
⦁ Buy Box Wins: The ratio of Buy Box win between all competitors.
⦁ Avg Offers: The average number of competitors on the same listings.
⦁ Avg Position: The average rank in the top 20 offers on listings.
Download Report
You can download both Daily Sales Report and Listing Performance Report by clicking "Download" button
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