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Campaign Settings

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

Campaign Settings consist of two major functions: Campaigns and Blacklist.


In this section, users can set up the general settings for customer care email campaigns for Feedback and Review.


  1. Please go to BigCentral > Settings > Campaigns to set up the Amazon connect walkthrough, check the Amazon Store name, upload a store logo, enter the recipient of designated emails for BigCentral test emails and set the daily test email limit.
  2. Setup Messaging Email Walkthrough: Please follow the instructions to set Messaging Email in Seller Central. This is how BigCentral receives the buyer opt-out notifications and credits users one email per order when an email fails to reach buyers due to buyer opt-out.
  3. Amazon Store Name: Manage the name of your Amazon storefront.
  4. Upload Store Logo: Upload a picture of your company or storefront logo. This will be shown in your emails.
  5. Send Test Email to: Specify which email address to send test emails.
  6. Test Email Daily Limit: Set a limit on how many test emails you can send daily.



You can add a buyer to the blacklist if you do not want them to receive automatic customer care emails in the future.

Go to BigCentral > Settings > Campaign > Blacklist to manage the list of black-listed buyers.

You can also click the ‘Add Buyer Email or Order ID button to add a buyer to the blacklist.


Remove Buyers from Blacklist

Once adding buyers to the Blacklist either by adding individually or by bulk, you are still able to remove buyers from the blacklist. To remove buyers from the blacklist, go to BigCentral > Settings > Blacklist, find the buyer you wish to remove, click on Actions > Remove.

You can also select multiple buyers in this list by checking the boxes in front of the buyers and use the Bulk Actions button to remove them by bulk.


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