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Ticket Settings_Agent

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

The Agent section under the Ticket Settings will only display a list of agent accounts that have the Ticket Manager permission.

Regardless of whether the agent account status is Inactive or Suspended, the previous user accounts that had the Ticket Manager permission will be presented on the Agent section under Ticket Settings.



If users want to add a new user account with Ticket Manager permission or if the status of a user account is Inactive, then they can utilize the toolbar to make modifications to the account.



After the user account has been set up--

Admin account: the initial settings will include all the Marketplaces, including ones that have Active Cancel Status. If the status of a marketplace is Canceled, then the marketplace won’t be presented here.

Standard user account: the initial settings of Channels and Views are blank. Only the Admin account or user accounts with Edit permission under Ticket Settings can modify the Channel and View settings.

The admin account can determine which marketplaces and views should be assigned to certain standard user accounts by clicking on the pencil edit icon.






If the number of assigned Channels or Views are more than one, then the system will display a down triangle icon. Users can click on the icon to see the list of Channels and Views assigned to this account.

If an account is only assigned one Channel or View, then the Marketplace and the View name will be displayed. If an account has been assigned all Channels, then the system will display “All Amazon.”



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