The current logged in user can see their account profile setting here.
Agent Name and Agent Email: A logged in user can’t modify the agent name or email.
Time Zone: The default time zone is based on the time zone of the user’s logged-in device (i.e. smartphone or computer.) A logged-in user can specify their local time zone by click on the drop-down menu.
Assigned Channels: The user account with the Admin permission level will have access to all the marketplaces by default, including the marketplaces that are Active (Cancel) and Active. However, if the subscription of a marketplace is canceled, the marketplace won’t be displayed on the Admin Channel Profile.
The channels for the rest of the user's accounts are assigned by the admin user account through Ticket Settings >Agent. To modify an agent’s assigned channels, the Admin user has to change this in the Agent tab in the Ticket Setting section. Alternatively, users with the View & Edit permission level can modify the agent’s channel setup.
Assigned Views:
The admin user account will have access to all Your Views by default. The rest of the user accounts will be assigned with the permission to certain Views by the admin account via Ticket Settings.
Only the admin account can change the assigned Views by editing in the Agents tab under the Ticket Settings section as demonstrated in the image below.
Alternatively, an agent account with the View & Edit permission level can change the assigned View for each agent account.
Signature: The system doesn’t have default signature settings. User accounts with all types of permission tiers have to add a signature in the Profile section under Ticket Manager.
If a user’s assigned channels are only set to US and DE, then the channel options will only display US and DE marketplaces. If the US marketplace has been added to the signature, then the drop-down menu will only show the DE marketplace option.
After the signature setup is done, the signature can be seen when replying to customers’ inquiries.
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