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How to Sign up with BQool?

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

Step 1: Sign up

  1. Create your BQool new account by signing up for a free trial here:
  2. Select a trial product (BigCentral or Repricing Central).
  3. Enter your email address and password and accept the BQool terms, conditions, and privacy policy. The password must include at least 8 characters and be a mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters, including at least one numeral and one special character.
  4. Enter the correct captcha code to make sure the user is human, not a robot.
  5. Click on “Create Account” to proceed to the next step.


6. You will see the following page and the next step is to activate the account.


Step 2: Activate your Account

1. You will receive an automated email from BQool in the inbox of the email address you used to sign up.

2. Open your email inbox and click on "Activate Now" to get started.

If you don't receive the email, please contact our Customer Service Center at



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