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Your total listing count and categories

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

Repricing Central will download all your listings from your Seller Central account and only count the listings that are Repricing enabled toward the plan limit.

As your business expands, the number of your listings is likely to grow. In this progression, you are encouraged to consider upgrading to increase the plan limit, allowing you to enable repricing for more listings.

You can check your total listings amount by click  mceclip0.png  Symbol at the upper-right corner.


  • Listings Downloaded: All your listings in Seller Central will be downloaded into BQool
  • Listings Subscribed (RB): The listing limit of Rule-Based Repricer
  • Listings Subscribed (AI+CR): The listing limit of AI-Power Repricer and Conditional Repricing
  • Listings Enabled (RB): The number of listings you have enabled repricing
  • Listings Available (RB): The number of the listings left which you can enable repricing within your plan limit
  • Listings Enabled (AI+CR): The number of listings you have enabled repricing
  • Listings Available (AI+CR): The number of the listings left which you can enable repricing within your plan limit

If you would like to remove listings in BQool, please note that this action must be performed in Seller Central. Currently, there are no direct options to remove listings within BQool. Once you delete listings in Seller Central, our system will automatically update, removing the designated old listings and downloading new ones.

☛ Here are the instructions from Amazon’s help page to delete listings:

When you delete a listing, the SKU and all sales history and product information are permanently removed from your seller account. Therefore, you should delete an SKU and its listing information only if you are never going to sell that item in the future.

To delete listings, follow these steps:

  • In Manage Inventory, find the listing you want to delete:
    • For single listings, click the Actions link next to the product you want to delete.
    • For multiple listings, check the box to the left the listings you want to delete and click the Actions button at the top of the page.
  • Select Delete product and listing from the drop-down menu.
  • Click OK to delete or Cancel to not delete the listing.

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