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Profit Calculator

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

Note: this is an "estimation" of the total of your Amazon selling cost and profit margin. 

You can utilize the Price Calculator to figure out what your Min and Max Prices should be. Click on the calculator icon under the Min Price or Max Price column to open the calculator interface.

 The Price Calculator shows the following information:

  • Fulfillment: An FBA or FBM icon will appear in the upper-right corner, indicating the fulfillment type for this listing.
  • Product Cost: The combined cost of the product. This should be the same figure as the number in the Cost column.
  • FBM Shipping Cost: If the listing is FBM, you can enter the actual shipping cost here.
  • Additional Cost:  You can enter other product-related costs (i.e. inbound shipping fee, pre fee, Sales Tax...etc).
  • Amazon Referral Fee: Amazon Referral Fee is dependent on the listing category and based off of the Fee Estimate Report from SP-API. Essentially this is Amazon's estimation, so it is not always 100% accurate.
  • Closing Fee: If Amazon closing fee applies, it will appear here.
  • FBA Fulfillment Fees: If the listing is FBA, Amazon Fulfillment (FBA) fee is shown here.

Min & Max Configuration with Product Cost

Enter Product Cost and press Enter or click the reload icon mceclip2.png to proceed with the calculation.

You can either:

1. Input a Min or Max Price, and hit Enter to see what your Est. Profit / Est. Profit Margin / ROI would be.

2. Input what Est. Profit / Est. Profit Margin / ROI you wish to achieve and hit Enter to see what your Min and Max Prices need to be.

After clicking the reload button, all three fields will be updated. When done editing your Min or Max Price, click Save to save your Min or Max Price.

Min & Max Configuration with Additional Cost

When entering values in the Additional Cost field, the system incorporates them into the calculations for Est. Profit, Est. Profit Margin, and ROI. Conversely, if you update values for Est. Profit, Est. Profit Margin, or ROI, the system factors in the Additional Cost to calculate the corresponding Min Price, Max Price, and Your Price.

Please note that specifying values in the Additional Cost field is optional for these metrics (Min Price, Max Price, Your Price, ROI, Est. Profit Margin, and Est. Profit).

Profit Calculator for Listings that are Inactive or Missing Shipping

Due to changes in Amazon's API effective July 28, 2016, we can no longer calculate the full fee that Amazon will charge for inactive listings due to missing shipping information. Typically, the shipping details will become available within 24-48 hours.

You should see the shipping price displayed as follows:

During the processing time, you will still be able to use the Profit Calculator. All you need to do is enter the shipping that you set up in your Seller Central manually at the top of the calculator.

During the processing time, you can still use the Profit Calculator. Simply manually enter the shipping fee you have set up in your Seller Central at the top of the calculator.

☛ Note: Once the listing becomes active, BQool will automatically override the manually entered shipping data with the latest data from Amazon. 

Message: "Missing shipping weight"

When the Missing shipping weight message pops out, it means that Amazon does not have the necessary shipping information to estimate your FBA fee. Therefore, we are unable to calculate the proper cost for that particular listing. 

You can either wait until the Fulfillment Center to update the dimension and shipping weight or you can try entering it in your Seller Central. 

Please go to your Seller Central, under Inventory > Manage Inventory > Edit the listing that is missing the shipping weight. Next, go to the "More Details" tab where you can find the fields to enter the information.

☛ Note: Please make sure the Advanced View, at the upper right, is turned on.


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