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Email variables

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

Below are the variables you can type into your email templates:

Variable Description Example
{{buyer_full_name}} Buyer's full name Customer
{{buyer_first_name}} Buyer's first name Customer
{{buyer_last_name}} Buyer's last name Customer
{{buyer_email}} Buyer’s email 
In accordance with the Amazon DPP policy, we've made changes to the Buyer name variables. For more information related to this policy change, please visit How will Amazon's Data Protection Policy (DPP) impacts Email Campaign?
{{company_name}} Company name BQool Inc.
{{company_address1}} Company address 1 123 Well Street
{{compay_city}} Company City Seattle
{{company_state}} Company State WA
{{company_zip}} Company zip code 98508
{{company_country}} Company country USA
{{company_logo}} Company Logo mceclip0.png
{{store_name}} Amazon store name BQool Inc.
{{order_date}} Order date 2014-07-01
{{order_id}} Order ID 123-456789-0000
{{order_total}} Total order amount $39.99
{{item_total}} Total number of items 5
{{product_name}} Product name Amazon Fire Phone
{{product_name_asin}} ASIN and product name B00EOE0WKQ: Amazon Fire Phone
{{asin}} ASIN B00EOE0WKQ

{{feedback_link: Rate your experience with Feedback }}

"Rate your experience with Feedback" link will direct buyers to leave seller feedback. Rate your experience with Feedback
{{product_name_review_link}} "Leave Product Review" link will direct buyers to write a product review. 


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