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How to subscribe a BQool product?

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

You can purchase one of our products at any time, including during your free trial period.

To add a subscription, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to BQool Account > Subscriptions > BQool Products to manage your subscription.


Step 2: Choose the service you want to subscribe to.


Step 3: Select which Marketplace(s) you want to add.


Step 4: Choose your preferred billing cycle and plan. Then, click Add to Cart.



Step 5: Check the sidebar on the right. Under Your Cart, you will see the added plan.

Step 6: Click Checkout once you're done.



Step 7: Enter your payment information.



Step 8: When you're done, click Confirm Payment.



☛ Note: we DO NOT accept e-Check from PayPal. Please make sure that you use instant payment from PayPal, such as direct transfer or pre-register credit card.




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