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General Settings

BQool Support
BQool Support
  • Updated

There are a few settings that are available to enhance your user experience under the Manage Listings > Settings > General.

All the options are turned off by default. Once you turn on the options, we will automatically process the settings you selected.

Set Default Time Zone 

You can set a default Time Zone for your Repricing Central. This time zone will be used on all time-related function and data record.

Simply select the country and the time zone you prefer.

Reset Your Price When Listing is Out of Stock

By turning this option on, we will send a final price adjustment after we receive the data report from Amazon’s API when you are out of stock. You can select from last adjusted price, Min Price or Max Price and add/subtract an amount or percentage.

This setting can help you reset a higher price before you restock the listing, in order to protect your profit.

☛ Note: 
If the “Reset Your Price when a listing is out of stock” setting is enabled and the listing goes out of stock, the system will submit the final price adjustment to the Seller Central end. The final price adjustment will not be overridden by the Repricing Schedule settings.

Pause Repricing when Listing is out of Stock for Certain Days

This feature allows you to automatically pause out-of-stock listings after a certain number of days so the stockout listings won’t be counted toward your Repricing plan limit.

This setting can be used to avoid labor-intensive work to sort out old stockout and Repricing enabled listings and pause them to spare more repricing room for new listings.

☛ Note:

The setting will occur X days from the time you enabled this setting.

For example, if the threshold is set to 8 days after the listing stocked out, the system will pause repricing on all the stockout listings which have not been replenished in the past consecutive 8 days since this setting was enabled.

Notification: Pause Repricing on Stockout listings for a certain number of days

The system will show that the listings had repricing paused due to this general setting in BQool Account > Notification.

InventoryLab Integration

Here, you can turn on the integration to start importing the cost value of your listings automatically from InventoryLab. Follow the instructions to turn the integration on from our side and the InventoryLab‘s side.
You can read more about the integration:  
BQool /InventoryLab Collaboration

Assign default values to NEW listings downloaded from Amazon

Turning on these settings will allow you to automatically assign default values to new listings when they are downloaded for the first time. The listings that are already in BQool before turning on this setting will NOT be affected. 

Set default Min/Max prices

You can base the calculations on a fixed price, on the current live price or on the default cost set below. It is not possible to base these calculations on the cost received from InventoryLab. 

When calculating Min/Max Price based on Your Price + Shipping or Cost, you can select $ or % in the drop-down menu.

☛ Note:

• When $ is selected, the value can be input to two decimal places.

• In different marketplaces, the corresponding currency icon ($/¥/£/€) will be shown.

Set default Repricing Rule

You can choose which existing repricing rule will be automatically assigned to newly imported listings. 

Set default Cost

You can assign a default cost based on a fixed price or on the current price, you can select $ or % in the drop-down menu.

☛ Note:

• When $ is selected, the value can be input to two decimal places.

• In different marketplaces, the corresponding currency icon ($/¥/£/€) will be shown.

Set FBM shipping cost

You can set your actual cost for FBM shipping to be used by the Profit Calculator.

☛ Note: It is your actual FBM shipping cost to your buyers, not what buyers are paying for shipping.

FBM / FBA Additional Cost

The additional cost field allows users to factor other product-related costs (i.e. inbound shipping fee) when configuring the Min & Max price and Your Price.

Users can set a default Additional Cost to the profit calculator for new FBA and FBM listings. This setting only applies to newly downloaded listings.

Please don’t input values related to Amazon fees and FBM shipping costs to this field.

(EU marketplaces only) Set VAT rate

For your European marketplaces, you can set a VAT rate to be added in the Profit Calculator for the calculation of Min/Max prices.

Below are 5 types of VAT you can select in the system.

1. Not Applicable: VAT=0%

2. Not Registered


FBA: (Amazon Referral Fee+Closing Fee+FBA Fulfillment Fees) X Not Registered %
FBM: (Amazon Referral Fee + Closing Fee) X Not Registered %

3. Flat Rate

▸Formula: Price X Flat Rate%

4. Standard Rate

FBA: [Price-(Product Cost+Additional Cost)] * Standard Rate% / (1+Standard Rate%)
FBM: [Price-(Product Cost+Additional Cost+FBM Shipping Cost)] * Standard Rate% / (1+ Standard Rate%)

5. Reduced Rate

FBA: [Price-(Product Cost+Additional Cost)] * Reduced Rate% / (1+Reduced Rate%)
FBM: [Price-(Product Cost+Additional Cost+FBM Shipping Cost)] * Reduced Rate% / (1+Reduced Rate%)

Mark as EFN

You can automatically mark new listings as EFN. 



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