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2020-09 BigCentral v1.3

BQool Support 2
BQool Support 2
  • Updated

The latest update for BQool BigCentral has released and included several exciting new updates that provide users with the ability to quickly understand their overall financial Amazon store status.

1 – Profit Dashboard & Reports

Profit Dashboard

The new Profit Dashboard allows sellers to conveniently view and configure the dashboard to quickly understand their overall financial status. A simplified profit and loss statement can also be viewed by clicking on the “P&L” button located on this screen. To access the dashboard, go to the “Dashboard” menu, followed by the “Profit” submenu.


To access the Profit Reports (Daily Profit, Profit & Loss, & Product Performance), navigate to the “Reports” menu followed by the “Profit” submenu.

Connecting Amazon Advertising API

To view the various costs and fees, sellers must first grant access to BQool to download the reports.
This can be completed under Account > Marketplaces.


2 – Multiple Accounts

BQool has created greater visibility and flexibility for sellers and agencies with multiple accounts. Super Admin users will now have a badge under their name, while local and shared permission types are now highlighted.


Additionally, customized shared permissions can now be added. To add permissions, first, navigate to BQool Account > Manage Permissions

Multiple Accounts

Manage Permissions_Shared & Local

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Other Minor Updates

  • General UI Updates

    1. Main Menu has been moved to the Top Bar
    2. Side Navigation Bar is now collapsible
    3. EU VAT Invoice Menu will always be shown. Once clicked, will be redirected to the relevant country
    4. And other minor UI updates
  • Getting Started

    Added a Getting Started Guide for Amazon Advertising API setup. mceclip0.png
  • Alerts Setting

    Email Alert under Feedback and Reviews Settings has been removed and placed under a new menu, “Alerts”.

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