The latest update for BQool Repricing Central has now been released and includes several exciting new features.
- New Default Rule Types and Rule Workflow
- Compete with Seller Fulfilled Prime Option
- Non-Amazon Competitive Price and Suggested Lower Price information
- Relocated Delisted Listings Table
- Other minor enhancements
1. New Default Rule Types and Rule Workflow
While BQool’s Repricing Central offers an enormous amount of flexibility for users to decide how to compete depending on various market conditions, we now offer various preconfigured default rule types that are tried and tested:
These new default rules are especially useful for sellers who are new to repricing; however, experienced sellers may also find it effective.
2. Compete with Seller Fulfilled Prime Option
Repricing Central now considers how to define a seller’s own SFP offer or the competitor’s SFP offer within the “Competitors” section of the repricing rules. For both scenarios, you may choose to treat the SFP offer as an FBA or FBM.
3. Non-Amazon Competitive Price and Suggested Lower Price Information
Repricing Central now includes the Non-Amazon Competitive Price (CompetitivePriceThreshold) and Suggested Lower Price (SuggestedLowerPricePlusShipping) within the “Competitor Analysis.”
Please note that these notifications are provided by Amazon and will appear if provided (optional).
4. Relocated Delisted Listings Table
The Delisted Listings has been moved to the “Manage Listings” drop-down menu for easier accessibility.
5. Other minor enhancements
- New Getting Started Page for Trial Users.
- Disable Buy Box Settings no longer displays when selecting “Compete with: Buy Box Price”.
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