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2020-2 BigCentral v1.1

BQool Support 2
BQool Support 2
  • Updated


The latest update for BQool BigCentral has now been released and includes several exciting new features that provide users with more transparency and control over their communications with buyers.

  • Email Open Rates
  • More In-Depth Reports

-Daily Ticket
-Ticket Type Details
-Channel Details
-Agent Performance
-Campaign Performance
-Listing Performance

  • Campaign Manager “Include Only” Filters
  • Auto-Fill Ticket Manager Variables Display
  • Review Tracking with Google Translate
  • Other minor enhancements

1. Email Open Rates

When sending out emails, it’s critical to compare the results of your campaigns and how it differs from past performances or the industry average. With the addition of this new feature, you can instantly view your Campaign and Listing Performance and optimize subsequent campaigns.

Email Open Rates can easily be viewed by first selecting “Dashboard”, followed by “Campaign”. From this screen, you will be able to view the Campaign Performance and Listing Performance while being able to select which campaign to view and for what time period.

To view more in-depth email open rate reports, please click on the Support Knowledgebase button below. 


2. More In-Depth Reports

Included with this version are several additional reports providing deeper insights into your Ticket Manager and Email Open Rate Performance.


  1. Daily Ticket: With the Daily Ticket Report, you may now visualize the daily ticketing performance. 

  2. Ticket Type Details: You may view the details of the types of tickets being managed.

  3. Channel Details: You may have access to the ticketing performance for each channel. 

  4. Agent Performance: For businesses with multiple agents managing the help desk, you may now view each agent’s performance. 


  1. Campaign Performance: This report allows users to visualize a specific email campaign and the corresponding email open rate performance according to the chosen time period.

  2. Listing Performance: For users needing to view email open rates by listing rather than by campaign, this report consolidates the open rates by product listing. 

To view more in-depth email open rate reports, please click on the Support Knowledgebase button below. 

3. Campaign Manager “Include Only” Filters

We are giving users greater control and flexibility over their email campaigns with additional filters that now includes the addition of an “Includes Only” criteria in addition to the existing “Exclude” criteria. The filters being updated includes:

[Exclude | Include only] Buyers who have left Negative Feedback in previous orders
[Exclude | Include only] Buyers who have left Neutral Feedback in previous orders
[Exclude | Include only] Orders already with Negative or Neutral Feedback
[Exclude | Include only] Orders already been canceled or refunded
[Exclude | Include only] Orders with Total Order Amount between [min] [max]

To view more in-depth Filter, please click on the Support Knowledgebase button below. 


4. Auto-Fill Ticket Manager Variables

Variables included in the Ticket Manager will automatically populate and display the variable data rather than the variable code. This will affect the Customer Reply, Internal Note, External Message and Templates. Please note that if there is no data, the result will be empty.

For example: {{ company_name }}, will automatically display as “BQool.”

To view more in-depth Filter, please click on the Support Knowledgebase button below. 


5. Review Tracking with Google Translate

To increase the efficiency of managing reviews, Review Tracking has now integrated Google Translate. This minimizes the time required to jump back and forth between BigCentral and a 3rd Party translation program.

To view more in-depth Google Translate, please click on the Support Knowledgebase button below.


6. Other minor enhancements

 Ticket Manager

  • New Filters added
    • Ticket ID: [ ]
    • Time Left: [min] [max]
    • Ticket Age: [min] [max]
    • Replies: [min] [max]
    • ASIN: [ ]
    • Order Amount: [min] [max]
    • Refund Amount: [min] [max]
  • New Indicators
    • “AUTO” – If the ticket was replied by auto-reply
    • “NEW” – If the ticket was replied by the buyer
    • “READ” – If the ticket was read or was acted by an agent
  • Downloadable. EML file
  • Removal of Opt-Out Ticket Type

Ticket Settings

  • “Send Message As” – In the “Ticket Settings” and under “Channel”, Support Emails will now include a “Send Message As” email option.
  • Change of “Set Delay [On|Off]” functionality – The ability to turn on or off this functionality has been removed. The “Set Delay” functionality will now be permanently on with the ability to change the min and max delay.

Service – Feedback Manager

  • Removal of the “Replies” column

Products – Review Manager

  • Buyer reviews now show the title in addition to the content
  • “Add a Note” functionality has been added

 Campaign Manager

  • Template editor now allows you to change the “Text Color” & “Text Background” color
  • Addition of “Today’s Date” in the Standard Schedule option when editing campaigns. Today’s Date is equal to
  • the day that the pending email is generated.
  • Sample Campaigns ($50 and above plans) now enable AI-Powered features automatically. 


  • Removal of “Email Sent” column from “Daily Feedback”
  • Addition of a “Daily Alert Notification” report. Please note there is a charge of one email for each Feedback/Review alert email.

 Alert Emails

  • Review alert email sent for every ASIN. You will now receive an email alert for every negative review (as configured in the settings).

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