1. The interface of Dashboard
Users can see AI performance, repricer analysis (AI/RB), best-selling/best BB wins products, and Listings Overview in the new dashboard.
AI Performance
The performance of listings under AI repricing rules in the past 30 days.
⦁ AI sales: Total sales from listings with AI repricing enabled in the past 30 days.
⦁ AI orders: Total orders from listings with AI repricing enabled in the past 30 days.
⦁ AI Buy Box Wins: Buy Box Win Ratio for the past 30 days (only the time when AI repricing is enabled would be counted in)
⦁ AI listings: The number of listings that were assigned under AI rules in the past 30 days.
⦁ Users can check the performance of multiple marketplaces at the same time.
⦁ Users can check the performance of the listing in different currencies.
Repricer Analysis (AI/RB)
⦁ Sales: Total sales from the selected repricing rule(s)
⦁ Orders: Total orders from the selected repricing rule(s)
⦁ Buy Box Wins: Average Buy Box Win Ratio of the listings under the selected repricing rule(s)
⦁ Average Sales per Listing: Total sales from listings with repricing enabled / Total number of listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Average Orders per Listing: Total orders from listings with repricing enabled / Total number of products with repricing enabled
⦁ Users can check only one marketplace at a time
⦁ Users can check the performance of listings under multiple repricing rules (allow to select up to 5 rules at a time)
The rules are classified into three main categories - All Repricing Listings / All AI-Powered Listings / All Rule-based Listings
And under each main category, users can click the drop-down menu and select the repricing rules as seen in the screenshot above. (Up to 5 rules)
⦁ When clicking on Sales / Orders / Buy Box Wins / Average Sales per Listing / Average Orders per Listing, customers can see a line graph.
Best Selling/Best BB Wins Products
Best Selling: Top 10 best-selling products under the selected repricing rules.
Best Buy Box Wins: Top 10 best Buy Box win ratio products under the selected repricing rules.
⦁ Product: Product name / ASIN / fulfillment type / SKU / Product condition(new/used)
⦁ Rules: Repricing rule (If the listing used to be assigned under different rules, then there would be multiple repricing rules shown in this column.)
⦁ Sales: Total sales from listing (only the time when repricing is enabled would be counted in)
⦁ Orders: Total orders from listing (only the time when repricing is enabled would be counted in)
⦁ Buy Box Wins: Average Buy Box Win Ratio of the listing
Listings Overview
⦁ Repricing Paused: The number of listings that are in repricing paused status
⦁ AI-Powered Listings: The number of listings that are under AI rules and are in repricing enabled status
⦁ Rule-Based Listings: The number of listings that are under Rule-Based rules and are in repricing enabled status
⦁ Inactive Listings: The number of listings with 0 quantity
⦁ Delisted Listings: The number of delisted listings
⦁ Missing Min/Max/Rules: The number of listings that don’t have a Min Price or Max Price or Repricing rule
⦁ In Buy Box: The number of listings that own the Buy Box now
⦁ Not in Buy Box: The number of listings that don’t own the Buy Box now
⦁ At Min Price: The number of listings that the current price = Min Price
⦁ At Max Price: The number of listings that the current price = Max Price
⦁ Only Seller: The number of listings that don’t have competitors (customer is the only seller)
⦁ Competition Below Min: The number of repricing enabled listings that have competitors’ price lower than the Min Price.
⦁ Users can check the listings of each option by clicking the numbers.
⦁ The data are renewed once a day. So, the number of listings might be different from the numbers shown on the listings page.
2. Display of the Reports page
Daily Sales Report
⦁ Sales: Total sales from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Sales (FBA): Total sales from FBA listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Sales (FBM): Total sales from FBM listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Orders: Total orders from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Units Ordered: Total units sold from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Avg Sales / Order: Total sales from listings with repricing enabled / Total orders from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Avg Units / Order: Total units sold from listings with repricing enabled / Total orders from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Avg Sales / Listing: Total sales from listings with repricing enabled / Total number of listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Avg Order / Listing: Total orders from listings with repricing enabled / Total number of products with repricing enabled
⦁ Est. Profit: Average profit estimate from all listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Buy Box Wins: Buy Box Win Ratio
⦁ Lowest Price Win %: Lowest price win % among competitors
⦁ Below Min %: The % of competitors with prices below min
⦁ At Min %: The % of price is at min
⦁ At Max %: The % of price is at max
⦁ Offers %: The % of listings with other offers
⦁ Reprice: How many times BQool reprices
⦁ Price Up: How many times BQool prices up
⦁ Price Down: How many times BQool prices down
⦁ Price Changes: Total amount of adjusted price
⦁ Compete Amazon %: The % of competing against Amazon
⦁ Compete FBA %: The % of competing against FBA
⦁ Compete FBM %: The % of competing against FBM
⦁ Compete Non-Feat %: The % of competing against Non-feature sellers
⦁ Buy Box Lost Amazon %: The % of losing Buy Box to Amazon
⦁ Buy Box Lost FBA %: The % of losing Buy Box to FBA
⦁ Buy Box Lost FBM %: The % of losing Buy Box to FBM
⦁ Lowest Price Lost Amazon %: The % of Amazon being the lowest price
⦁ Lowest Price Lost FBA %: The % of FBA competitor being the lowest price
⦁ Lowest Price Lost FBM %: The % of FBM competitor being the lowest price
⦁ Lowest Price Lost Non-Feat %: The % of Non-feature competitor being the lowest price
⦁ Users can download the Daily Sales Report and Listing Performance Report for a specific marketplace under a specific repricing rule for a specific range of time.
⦁ Users can customize what columns they would like to see on the page.
Listing Performance Report
⦁ Products: Products
⦁ Rules: Rule name
⦁ Sales: Total sales from listings
⦁ Sales %: Total sales from listings / Total sales from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Orders: Total orders from listings
⦁ Units Ordered: Total units ordered
⦁ Units Ordered %: Total units ordered / Total units sold from listings with repricing enabled
⦁ Avg Sales / Order: Total sales from listings / Total orders from the listing
⦁ Avg Units / Order: Total units ordered / Total orders from the listing
⦁ Est. Profit: Estimated profit
⦁ Buy Box Wins: The % of Buy Box win
⦁ Lowest Price Win %: Lowest price win % among competitors
⦁ At Min %: The % of price is at min
⦁ At Max %: The % of price is at max
⦁ Below Min %: The % of competitors with prices below min
⦁ Avg Offers: The average number of competitors on listings
⦁ Avg Position: The average position in top 20 offers on listings
⦁ Lowest Price / Order: The lowest offer
⦁ Highest Price / Order: The highest offer
⦁ Reprice: How many times BQool reprices
⦁ Price Up: How many times BQool prices up
⦁ Price Down: How many times BQool prices down
⦁ Price Changes: Total amount of adjusted price
⦁ Compete Amazon %: The % of competing against Amazon
⦁ Compete FBA %: The % of competing against FBA
⦁ Compete FBM %: The % of competing against FBM
⦁ Compete Non-Feat %: The % of competing against Non-feature sellers
⦁ Buy Box Lost Amazon %: The % of losing Buy Box to Amazon
⦁ Buy Box Lost FBA %: The % of losing Buy Box to FBA
⦁ Buy Box Lost FBM %: The % of losing Buy Box to FBM
⦁ Lowest Price Lost Amazon %: The % of Amazon being the lowest price
⦁ Lowest Price Lost FBA %: The % of FBA competitor being the lowest price
⦁ Lowest Price Lost FBM %: The % of FBM competitor being the lowest price
⦁ Lowest Price Lost Non-Feature %: The % of Non-feature competitor being the lowest price
3. Others
⦁ Users can manually delete listings on the delisted listings page.
⦁ Users are able to Use AI Repricing when the Buy Box is suppressed (when no one owns the Buy Box).
To sum up, Repricing Central Ver.4.2 update focuses on the feature of allowing users to check their sales performance/AI performance in more detail on the dashboard. In contrast to the dashboard from the previous version, the data on the new dashboard will refer to the Seller Central's financial report to provide accurate values and allow customers to compare sales/orders/BB Win% of different AI/RB rules.
Also, users now can locate the listings that currently own the Buy Box or currently not in the Buy Box by clicking the number on the dashboard
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