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2019-11 Repricing Central v3.3

BQool Support 2
BQool Support 2
  • Updated

1 - Pause repricing when listings are out of stock

This feature automatically pauses out of stock listings after a certain number of days so the stockout listings won’t be counted toward your Repricing plan limit. You can find this setting by going to Manage Listings > Settings > General to choose how many days after the listing is out of stock to pause.



2 - Set Min/Max Price based on Profit 

The feature allows to calculate the Min and Max prices based on a fixed profit value via bulk actions.  



3 - Add Additional Cost Field 

This feature allow users to factor other product-related costs (i.e. inbound shipping fee) when configuring the Min & Max price and Your Price. You can find this field in the Profit Calculator, in General settings, in Bulk Actions and in the Upload/Download Templates.



4 – Export Manage Listings report

Users can download the Full and Filter Listings results on the Manage Listings page by clicking the download button on the upper right side of the interface.



5 – Filter listings not in a Group 

The Missing Group filter can sort out SKUs which have not been assigned to any groups. 


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