Set Min / Max Price
- Min Price: The lowest price that you set which includes shipping and other relevant costs.
- Max Price: The highest price that you set which includes shipping and other relevant costs.
BQool only reprices between Min and Max Price. In other words, the calculated price will not be less than the Min Price or more than the Max Price.
Below are 4 ways to set up your Min and Max prices in BQool.
- For individual listing:
- For multiple listings:
Method A: Input the Min/Max
Go to "Listings > Active Listings" and directly input the Min / Max in the box for each ASIN.
Method B: Use Profit Calculator
Click on the calculator icon under the Min / Max Price column to open the calculator.
You must enter a cost and other possible amounts (such as profits) to calculate the Min / Max Price or enter a cost and Min / Max Price to calculate the profit.
- Input a Min or Max Price, and hit Enter or click on the reload icon to see what your profit margin or ROI would be.
- Input what profit margin or ROI you wish to achieve and hit Enter or click on the reload icon to see what your min and max prices would be.
After clicking the reload button, all three fields (Est. Profit/Est. Profit Margin/ROI) will be updated. When done editing your min or max price, click Save to save your min or max price.
📖For more information about Profit Calculator, please visit this article.
Method C: Bulk Actions
Select multiple ASINs and click “Bulk Actions > Set Min/Max Price & Rule“.
Choose the setting method from “Set Min Price based on…” or “Set Max Price based on…” > Click “On“ > Save.
- When $ is selected, the value can be input to two decimal places.
- In different marketplaces, the corresponding currency icon ($/¥/£/€) will be shown.
When you choose “Profit”, “Profit Margin”, or “ROI” under “Set Min/Max Price & Rule“, the calculation could process up to 10 listings per minute.
📖For more information about using Bulk Method to enter Min / Max, please visit this article.
Method D: Upload File
You can set up the fixed Min/ Max Prices and Rules by uploading the report to BQool by following the instructions below.
1. Navigate to “Upload File > Repricing Central File > Download Blank Template”.
2. Click on the "Repricing Template" tab in Excel to create your Repricing Central File. (Channel, Seller SKU, Rule Name, Min Price, and Max Price columns are required.)
Once done editing, save the file as a tab-delimited text file (.TXT). Click "Save As" and choose "Text (Tab delimited)" as the file type.
3. Go back to the Repricing Central page, click “Locate File to Upload” to upload the completed file, and click “Upload Now”.
📖For more information about File Upload Method to Enter Min / Max, please visit this article.
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